On the tail of my reading of Spanish Rome, I’m searching the Internets for places to listen to Early Music online Here’s a links page, in case you’re interested – and I find BBC-3 Radio’s program "The Early Music Show" – and today’s program is on music from the Aragon court in Naples in the 15th century. Huh.

(And tomorrow’s is on St. Edward the Confessor:

Lucie Skeaping is joined by James O’Donnell, Susan Rankin and Richard Mortimer at Westminster Abbey to discuss the legacy of Saint Edward the Confessor, England’s only Royal Saint, who was born 1,000 years ago. There will be performances, given by Ensemble Gilles Binchois, of Church music with connections to this Holy King. Andrew Gourlay also chats to James about some of the more recent musical traditions at the Abbey.

Programs are available for listening online for 7 days after broadcast.)

But actually, I think this is where I’m going to settle, with forays here, there and elsewhere.

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