You feel it, too, don’t you?
There have been so many little hints and small incidents coming to light of late – all related to liturgy. I’m not prepared to make sense of it, particularly since hardly any of what we’re hearing is official yet.
An indult freeing the Tridentine/Pian/Classical Roman Rite/Mass?
No more indult allowing lay extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist to purify sacred vessels?
The music question.
A "ruling" from Pope Benedict that the Latin pro multis in the Eucharistic Prayer be translated "for many" in English, rather than "for all?"
(This last point has been buzzing around since last week, and I’ve not yet blogged on it because I wanted to do so after studying up on the issue myself. Tuesday, I hope)
And then – extending far beyond liturgy, of course, the speculation that some rapprochement is in the works with the SSPX. Somehow.
And then…noises from others. The statement of those French bishops, noted below. The question of the implementation of the purification rubric in at least two dioceses (LA and the OC) , being noted at Closed Cafeteria and other blogs. A rather narrow view of these issues expressed by many in the hierarchy. Hints, implications, something between nervousness and defensiveness.
Perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps there is no big deal coming at all and I’m being overly dramatic. It wouldn’t be the first time. I guess we’ll just wait and see. And work on that Tip Sheet, to pass the time.