Those of you who follow the evangelical music scene know that the title of this post is a catchphrase used to describe a particular thematic element in some praise and worship music, in which the language used to address Christ is, well, somewhere between a Blue Mountain card and the Billboard top 100. Agnieszka Tennant…

Fr. Z has rumors, confirmations and educated guesses. That SMS is the third confirmation I have gotten. So, I feel safer about saying what I am piecing together. Remember: this is based reliable sources but it is still supposition on my part. I sift the exaggerated stuff out and try to get a consistent picture.…

John Wilson got me all interested in his "book of the year" over at Books and Culture: And now to the Book of the Year: Crisis of Doubt: Honest Faith in Nineteenth-Century England, by Timothy Larsen (Oxford Univ. Press). You know the familiar story, according to which virtually every thinking person in late-Victorian England either…

On to China. What’s happened the past few days, after the ordination of that bishop, unapproved by the Vatican and the apparent forced participation by other clerics. Cardinal Zen on the general situation: The Vietnamese Church is “dynamic and vital, not least thanks to recent concessions by the government, which is moving ever closer towards…

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