The whole Popcak clan to meet and bring home their new daughter and sister, 13-month old Liliana Faith:

We fly to Chongquing on Palm Sunday.  We hope to see the carvings of DaZu while we are there, and if possible to visit the old city of Fengdu so we can see where Liliana comes from.  But the most wonderful event will be meeting Liliana on 4/3 for the first time where we will get to tell her that we are her mom ("Wu sheneeda da mama") and dad ("Baba"), introduce her to her older brother (GurGur) and older sister (Jeje) and tell her that we will love her forever ("Woman yungyuan ai nee!").  I’m sure it will be an overwhelming day for all of us.

God bless all adoptive parents and families, who undertake that long, long journey…whether it is across the sea or not. What a gift!

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