Okay, I’m going to be out all afternoon and probably, (I hope) the evening.., so here’s a bleg, inspired by questions raised in the Apostles thread below. (And yay to you folks for those sales…hanging around 2000 for presales is very good)
Please share your suggestions for good and useful programs for Catholic parish catechetical programs in the following categories:
1)Adult ed- Bible Study
2) Adult ed- anything else
3) Confirmation
Please, please note the question. Not just books that you think are good. Programs – divided into weeks or sessions, etc., with study guides,questions, suggestions for application in a parish and so on.
Yes, it is one thing to say, "Get together and talk about the Compendium". But for busy parish employees and volunteers, and who sometimes are a bit shaky in their own understanding..a program and supplementary materials are very helpful.
(and if their is something popular that you think is horrible…share that, too.)
Comments will appear around 4, probably. Or you can just wait and post!