..in case you were wondering.  See, the problem with making a decision to cut down on your blogging is that it makes the decision to actually blog much more difficult to make. For me, at least, it puts so much more weight on what to blog, because if something relatively unimportant strikes you as bloggable,…

Over at Intentional Disciples, Fr. Mike has a nice reflection: Today is the feast of St. Therese of Liseux, the “Little Flower,” and by happy coincidence the day’s Gospel (Lk 9:46-50) fits her beautifully. In response to the rivalry and envy Jesus recognizes between his disciples, he has a child stand next to himself and…

In between the fiction, I’m currently reading God and the World, the third interview book then-Cardinal Ratzinger did with Peter Seewald. I was inspired to read it by a citation from the book that someone quoted on a blog post somewhere: “The Church of the first three centuries was a small Church and nevertheless was…

…all over the place, it’s from Marini to Marini: Il Santo Padre ha nominato Maestro delle Celebrazioni Liturgiche Pontificie il Rev.do Don Guido Marini, del clero dell’Arcidiocesi di Genova and Il Papa ha nominato Presidente del Pontificio Comitato per i Congressi Eucaristici Internazionali S.E. Mons. Piero Marini, Arcivescovo tit. di Martirano, finora Maestro delle Celebrazioni…

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