In all of the PopeBlogging, I realized I’ve neglected something important – you!
Because you are the Church and you are special!

(Isn’t that the theme of the visit? No? You’re kidding me!)

No, actually, I’m just curious, and thought it would be interesting. Post a comment if you’re going to try to any of the papal events in Washington or New York, or even if you have plans to attempt to stand on the street and wave as he goes by.
When the visit was first announced, I thought we might try to go, but as time went on, we decided against it. Not too interested in fighting crowds, I don’t like big mega-liturgies. the question of where to stay, etc. As it turns out. it’s for the best. I’ll be doing some work during the visit (TBA) which will actually be easier to do at a distance and Michael will be heading to Florida for business, including attendance at this, which should be quite interesting to hear about.
But what about you? Tell us! Share tips! Find a roommate! (Or…maybe not on that last thing.)

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