I don’t like non-itemized receipts. It drives me nuts. Not because I think I’m being overcharged (a pastry and a water for 1.80? Even if that is overcharging, I’ll take it.), but just because I’m curious.

The one big thing I don’t like is a whole section:  that area (forgive me in my imprecision. This is what I think it is) that seems to accompany Barberini, the Quirinale, and the Spanish Steps area, including and especially Via Veneto. It’s just super busy, charmless (except for the Steps) and extremely touristy. Of course you can make the argument that Rome is all extremely touristy – but it’s not like this. This is  all 19th and early 20th century architecture (well, except for the Steps), the traffic is heavy and unrelenting, and I just can’t wait to get away when I end up there.

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