This was posted in the comments:
A request for prayers for a son of the Church.
I received this about the pre-eminent Holy See Latinist, Fr. Reginald Foster, O.C.D., popularly known as “Reggie” who instructed many in Latin for years at the Greg and lately outside of the Gregorian University. He is a legend.
RECEIVED at 12:33 p.m. Central Daylight Time, Sun., Jan. 18
Reginald continues to have serious health problems, ever since his fall last June. He has basically been bed ridden ever since that incident. What follows is the latest.
Yesterday (Saturday) he was taken from his monastery to the Fatebenefratelli hospital on the Tiber Island. Shortly after arriving, he suffered some kind of seizure and was put in intensive care. At first they diagnosed it as pulmonary embolism and they did not expect him to survive. Now they say it was NOT an embolism, but apparently his spleen ruptured and the ensuing rush of fluid in his body caused temporary heart failure.
It is now Sunday afternoon in Rome and I just returned from the hospital where I was allowed (after a two hour wait) to go in and see Reggie. He was not conscious, but he did open one eye slightly for a moment when I spoke to him. He is attached to a number of tubes and his mouth is propped open, so its kind of a depressing sight.
Some of you may be hearing this news from other sources, but I just wanted to make sure that you heard. Say a prayer for Reggie.