As I mentioned last week, I am in the final stages of finishing my book on Mary Magdalene, to be released next March, I believe. I have a heavy week of working coming up, but I think, if no one gets sick and the creek don’t rise, that should be it for the heavy lifting.
I will blog this week because it’s like crack, but I am going to do something, just for the week. I think I’ll go commentless, especially on purely religion posts – political and pop culture posts probably will keep comments. Why? Because since I’m really just in a "linking" rather than "thinking" mode for this week, my voice, such as it is, is being lost amid the comments, and my blog is getting a vibe that I’m not terrifically comfortable with. In a post below, someone commented, "Oh there are only a few libs commenting here..most of us are traditional…" or something like that. And in the past few days, the liturgy-related comments have become dominated by Traditionalist concerns – which, I’ll be blunt, are not my concerns. Long time readers know that I have a great interest and moderate knowledge of liturgical development, that I definitely believe that we need to reclaim Latin, especially in a world that gets smaller everday. I would like to see a universal indult for celebration of the Tridentine liturgy (unless it was never necessary! Unless…oh, that’s another discussion) – it just makes sense. Push comes to shove, I’d go to a monastic liturgy, anyday, whether it was in Latin or not, simply because monastic liturgies don’t bear the busy-ness and forced community-making of parish liturgies. They just – are.
But we don’t have any monasteries in the Fort.
And 11-month olds and 4-year olds don’t mix with monastic prayer anyway. (Although the times I’ve taken them, they’ve been welcomed).
But that’s not my point. My point is that there’s still a lot of liturgy talk coming up this week, and I’m just not interested in every darn thread on the subject turning into an opportunity for some commentors to lecture the rest of us at how deficient how spirituality must be if we’re able to you know, worship God, at the dreaded NO liturgy. As I said, the vibe has been growing steadily over the past few days, it doesn’t represent my thought, and I just don’t have time to redirect discussions. I’m too busy re-directing the whole national discussion on Mary Magdalene. A big job.
So, posting yes…not much commenting, unless it’s about Harriet Miers or LOST, I imagine. Although, as I said in a post below, I’m fairly sure that if I put up a post that simply said, "It’s raining," one of the first comments would blame it on the Norvus Ordo.