This via Lucy at City of Steeples:

The charity for February, the month of the Holy Family, was Children Waiting Everywhere. It is a charity extremely close to my heart, because it is run by my godmother, in conjunction with the Congregation of Holy Cross, who founded Notre Tables Dame. This is a charity whose credibility and commitment I will personally vouch for. No monies are spent on administration.

Children Waiting Everyhere provides physical and spiritual nourishments to AIDS orphans in Uganda. To date, the charity has: built a water tank, started tea plantations, expanded the vocational school, provided medical care, started a Montessori school, and taken the children on field trips. All this is done in the context of raising children deeply rooted in the Catholic faith.

From the website:

Founded by Ms. Naomi Corera in 2004, the foundation seeks soley to provide the physical and spiritual nourishment for these orpahans to live. This is done through providing basic necessities such as food, clothing, and proper shelter, and by enabling the Sisters of the Child Jesus the necessities to raise these children in the Catholic faith.


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