One of the best times I had in Rome was doing the "Theology on Tap" program in Rome, at, ironically, an Irish pub near the Gesu. The cab driver dropped us off not quite where we needed to be, but thanks to a helpful police officer or two, we were pointed in the proper direction.
The place was packed (it wasn’t huge, so that isn’t saying too much!) and there were several folks there I’d met earlier – Elizabeth Lev, Father Kevin Lixey, Kishore Jayabalan, and some I hadn’t – the aforementioned Greg Burke of FoxNews, as well as the erudite Fr. Z of the "What Does the Prayer Really Say" blog and column.
Short talk, standing on my tiptoes because even though I was on a platform, I felt short. Joseph raising moderate Cain in back, despite the very kind help of the parents who were in Rome visiting their son who was a student at, I believe, Christendom College’s foreign study program. They gave Joseph a small memo pad and a pen, and then they started to hand something to him that gave me pause. They discerned my concern and said, "Oh, it’s a flashlight – see?" Which it was, but it also looked just like a lighter, and I was wondering for a split second why these seemingly intelligent people were handing my 4-year old a lighter. Priory of Sion operatives perhaps?
Thanks to them, and thanks to Katie (who has found great delight in telling everyone that she babysat in an Irish pub in Rome, for some reason) and thanks to Michael, of course, the talk finished with little incident except occasional hoarseness. I felt a little concerned because this was a higher-level crowd than those I normally address, but in focussing on what I’m pounding on as the real harm of DVC~ – the distraction it is from quality art that addresses faith issues, as well, most importantly, from the real "Real Jesus" – I hope I hit a note they hadn’t heard before.
TOT Roma is sponsored by Eternal City Tours which is an excellent tour company which you might want to consider if you’re traveling to Rome. Thanks Paul Encinias!
And here’s a report on the talk in the NCRegister, written by the very sharp and multitalented Edward Pentin