2) The ordination in Xuzhou is the latest — chronologically — in a series of illegitimate episcopal ordinations that have afflicted the Catholic Church in China for decades, creating division in diocesan communities and tormenting the conscience of many clerics and faithful. This series of extremely grave acts, which offend the religious sentiments of each and every Catholic in China and the rest of the world, are the fruit and consequence of a vision of the Church that does not correspond with Catholic doctrine and subverts the fundamental principles of its hierarchical structure. In fact, as specified by the Second Vatican Council, "one is constituted a member of the episcopal body in virtue of sacramental consecration and hierarchical communion with the head and members of the body" ("Lumen Gentium," no. 22).
3) The Holy See, getting to know about the episcopal ordination in the diocese of Xuzhou only at the last minute, did not fall short of taking those steps that could possibly be undertaken in the short time at its disposal, so that this act, which would have produced a new laceration in the ecclesial community, would not come about. In fact, an illegitimate episcopal ordination is objectively such a serious act that canon law establishes severe sanctions for those who confer or receive it, always if the act is undertaken in conditions of true freedom (cf. Canon 1382).
4) It is consoling to see that, despite past and present difficulties, nearly all the bishops, priests, members of religious orders and lay people in China, aware that they make up a living part of the universal Church, have maintained a deep communion of faith and life with the Successor of Peter and with all the Catholic communities scattered around the world.
5) The Holy See is aware of the spiritual drama and suffering of those clerics — consecrated bishops and ordinands — who find themselves forced to take an active part in illicit episcopal ordinations, thus contravening Catholic tradition, which they desire to follow faithfully in their hearts. Further, it shares in the inner unease felt by those Catholics — priests, religious and lay people — who are obliged to welcome a pastor who they know is not in full hierarchical communion neither with the head of the college of bishops nor with other bishops scattered around the world.
6) As regards episcopal ordinations, the Holy See cannot accept to be faced with accomplished facts. Therefore, it deplores the way of proceeding in the ordination of the priest, Wang Renlei, which took place in Xuzhou, and hopes that incidents of the kind will not be repeated in the future.