Rocco’s got the goods on the Compendium of the Catechism (coming this fall to the US)

I’ve recently discovered that our friend Sandro Magister, has a blog on the website for L’Espresso – if you go down to the second entry, he has a post on the Compendium. I don’t think he likes it.

I ran it through a couple of translators, which rendered great amounts of amusing nonsense, but the gist was that he was faulting it for a couple of things. One, I think that the term "Hebrews" is used instead of Israel? And then something having to do with the index, and then the price. Perhaps some of our Italian-fluent friends can help us out?

(By the way, Rocco mentions that he hopes the US edition replicates the quality appearance of the original. I can’t speak to issues like binding, but I do know that it was reported, upon the release of the book, the other editions must reproduce the artwork in exactly the spot it is, in reference to the text, in the original.)

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