Well, that was…tiring!

Had two good talks – the first, at the high school, seemed to go fine, although, you know, 900 high schoolers at 2pm – well, who knows how much they absorbed. They were very well-behaved, though, I’ll say that for them.

The second talk went famously. David Hartline did a great job promoting this -please go check out David’s Catholic Report today and every day!- so there was an excellent crowd. Michael gave a most interesting talk on "The Wedding of Jesus" which I’ve encouraged to write up for publication somehow – it takes on DVC from a whole other angle. I did my usual, which was, as usual, enjoyable. It’s a stress-free talk, the only negative being I never have enough time to cover it all. But with 3 mistakes every page – who would? In a brief talk like this one, I try to strike at fundamentals, anyway.

The church had a good nursery room across the hall, so Michael and I took turns in there (Katie stayed in The Fort – she was "shadowing" at the high school she’ll be attending next year, and spent the night at the friend with whom she was doing the momentous visit.), marveling at Joseph’s total fascination with every toy everywhere in the universe except those in his own home. I have no doubt that if we lifted up that nursery and placed it, exactly as it is, in our house, he would look at it for five seconds, turn away and complain, "I’m boring." (His new phrase, which he has not quite mastered yet).

MIchael was fine until he discovered that if he sat on the little child-sized chair at the child-sized table, he could then stand on the chair and climb up on the table and stand there going "HAH HAH HAH!"

Sold lots of books, which was good. Was very happy to see TSO again and meet his wife, and also had a very nice dinner with David and his wife Teresa (hope I spelled that right). Also met Elizabeth Ficocelli, a Catholic writer of all sorts of things – books, articles, columns – whose latest is a collection of stories of the interecession of St. Therese.

So, yes…Columbus isn’t an easy drive, but as usual, it was well worth it!

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