Stories are beginning to pop up, here and there, about young people who are interested in and positive about Pope Benedict.
Pope2008 had a post yesterday about what’s happening at CUA in anticipation.

Joanna Berry, a student from Catholic University of America recently contacted me to share the palpable excitement and hope on campus in anticipation of the Pope’s arrival. Berry is a Lutheran convert to the Church and a prime example of the hope found in today’s young adult Catholics.
She said “the campus is bursting with excitement! Sunday we began our campus wide Novena prayer in preparation for the arrival of the Holy Father. Yesterday, our weekly Renew group studied Spe Salvi and learned more about Benedict XVI. Today, the Today show is filming a feature on the faith life on campus (I only mention it because the original plan was to have a discussion of students that agree and disagree with the church, but they couldn’t find any students to disagree so that had to change the story. We’re praying they represent the spiritual life on campus well).”
For more details on how the campus is getting ready spiritually, visit Campus Ministry.

Jacqui Salmon in today’s WaPo:

For the Hickeys and a community of young, conservative Washington area Catholics who piously follow the teachings of the church, Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Washington next week carries a special meaning.
They appreciate Benedict for his unwavering advocacy of what they hold to be “Catholic”: ancient liturgical practices such as the traditional Latin Mass, the supremacy of the Catholic Church, Gregorian chants in worship and theologians who concur with the pope’s teachings. As the Vatican’s orthodoxy watchdog for 24 years before becoming pope, Benedict earned this group’s devotion.
“I love Pope Benedict,” said Karen Hickey, 35, who keeps a bust of him on her piano. “He’s done so much good in the little time that he’s been there.

Someone. Please explain to me – one more time – what the stylebooks say about scare quotes?
I’m just really interested in what guidelines “newspapers” are following in their “editorial process.”

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