Lifesite news notes the release (on 8/4) of the Program for Priestly Formation issued by the USCCB (that link is to the original document – pdf file).

The Lifesite article:

The Program instructs not only the seminarian but also the seminary to be faithful to the totality of Catholic teaching on sexuality.  "The teaching of sexual ethics must be thorough and unambiguous in its presentation of the authentic teaching of the Church in sexual moral matters," says the document. It adds, "This is a matter of special import since the seminarian’s formation in celibate chastity includes the intellectual assent to, and embrace of, the Church’s moral teachings in matters of sexuality."

The program also insists that future priests have a good grasp on the "moral evils" of "contraception, abortion, and euthanasia." The document says: "The importance of a clear grasp of the principles of medical-moral ethics cannot be underestimated for the future priest in the contemporary culture. Special attention during his preparation should be given to the fundamental respect for human life from conception to natural death and to the moral evils of and pastoral means of addressing contraception, abortion, and euthanasia."

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