The Pope gave an interview to 4 German journalists today, an interview that will be aired next Sunday, August 13. Tidbits about the interview, as well as the original version of this photo, at Papa Ratzinger Forum.
Program director Thomas Bellut, who asked the questions for ZDF, expressed his satisfaction at the open climate in which the conversation with the Pope was held: "There were no taboo questions," he said.
The Pope was asked, among others, about the Middle East, ecumenism and the status of women in the Church.
Pope Benedict XVI appealed for "moral forces" to mobilize to bring peace to the troubled Middle East during another day of fierce bombardments in Lebanon and Israel.
"There are moral forces which are ready to make it understood that the only solution is that we must live together," Benedict said in an interview with several German radio and television stations ahead of his visit to his native country in September.
"These are the forces we want to mobilize. Politicians must find the way in order that this can happen as rapidly as possible and especially in a sustainable way," said Benedict in the interview at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, excerpts of which were released by the Vatican.