Well, my son is in London, after a day-long delay (his connecting flight out of VA to Atlanta was way late, and he would have missed the Atlanta – London flight as a result, so he ended up flying out the next day, via Cincinatti this time). Getting settled in his lodgings, wandering about, looking for cheap eats. He called me from Hyde Park this morning, and reported that yesterday (his first day) he ended up, purely by accident through those wanderings. at the European premiere of Miami Vice – not in the movie, of course, but outside as the stars entered – reported that Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx are both "really short."
(I looked through some photos of the premiere, but no David.)
For the four of you reading this who know him…on his first day in London, to end up at something related to film…yeah, that’s David.
Higher culture to follow, of course.
(And for those of you late to this…it’s not the first time he’s been in London. He has a passing familiarity with the place, but that was as part of this program affiliated with the University of Dallas, when he was in high school.)