Sandro Magister interviews Fr. David Jaeger about the Middle East and analyzes recent statements from Vatican personages.

Here’s a statement from the Holy Father from this morning, via the Press Office. It’s only in Italian so far:

. Il Santo Padre segue con grande preoccupazione le sorti di tutte le popolazioni interessate ed indice per domenica prossima, 23 luglio, una speciale giornata di preghiera e di penitenza, invitando i Pastori ed i fedeli di tutte le Chiese particolari come tutti i credenti del mondo ad implorare da Dio il dono prezioso della pace.

2. In particolare, il Sommo Pontefice auspica che la preghiera si elevi al Signore, perché cessi immediatamente il fuoco tra le Parti, si instaurino subito corridoi umanitari per poter portare aiuto alle popolazioni sofferenti e si inizino poi negoziati ragionevoli e responsabili, per porre fine ad oggettive situazioni di ingiustizia esistenti in quella regione, come già indicato da Papa Benedetto XVI nell’Angelus di domenica scorsa, 16 corrente mese.

3. In realtà, i Libanesi hanno diritto di vedere rispettata l’integrità e la sovranità del loro Paese, gli Israeliani hanno diritto a vivere in pace nel loro Stato ed i Palestinesi hanno diritto ad avere una loro Patria libera e sovrana.

4. In questo doloroso momento, Sua Santità rivolge pure un appello alle organizzazioni caritative, perché aiutino tutte le popolazioni colpite da questo spietato conflitto

The Babelfish translation tells me that he asking all to pray for peace next Sunday, that he is affirming the reality of the need to respect the sovereign ingegrity of Lebanon, the right of Israel to live in peace in their own state and the Palestinians in theirs.

I think.

The Pope, in a brief exchange with reporters on Tuesday, indicated that he supports the G8 leaders’ approach:

At their meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, the G8 leaders had approved a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire. The G8 statement urged Israel to act with restraint, but suggested that the primary blame for the latest violence should fall upon Hezbollah terrorists.

“These extremist elements and those that support them cannot be allowed to plunge the Middle East into chaos and provoke a wider conflict," the G8 leaders agreed. "The extremists must immediately halt their attacks.”

Pope Benedict said that in his view, the G8 statement "indicates the path" that should be taken toward peace in the Middle East. That statement had called for the safe return of Israeli soldiers who have been captured in Gaza and Lebanon; a halt to the rocket attacks and terror bombings on Israeli territory; the end of Israeli military operations in Lebanon; rapid withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza; and the release of Palestinian parliamentary leaders who have been arrested by Israeli forces.

"I have nothing to add," Pope Benedict said, "except the importance of prayer that God will help us."

Cardinal Martino said some things recently as well.

We have the English of the Pope’s statement now, and as Tim points out, the words Benedict uses for the various entities do differ:


"In reality, the Lebanese have the right to see the integrity and sovereignty of their country respected, the Israelis the right to live in peace in their State, and the Palestinians have the right to have their own free and sovereign homeland. "

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