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Me in the DMN on That Book. A new letter to add to my collection: The headline was ?Faith? vs. !TRUTH! I have also read “The Da Vinci Code” as well as “Holy Grail, Holy Blood” and “The Templar Revelation.” For my own edification would you be kind enough to share with me your academic…

This is it – yeah, I could ask for a week or so extension on my deadline, but you know what? I don’t want to! I want what I’m working on to be done (at least this stage of it) and out of my life (until it comes back to me with many thoughts, I’m…

Fr. Rob Johansen and Mark Shea are leading a pilgrimage to France in September. Fr. Rob has details and thoughts on pilgrimage on his blog Departs September 21, 2004 and returns to on September 29, 2004. This is a 9 day, 7 night trip to France with scheduled visits at Lourdes, Paris, Chartres, and Lisieux.…

A philosopher makes his case in The Tidings Laws against abortion are also unenforceable, because there would still be a large number of abortions if abortion were to be criminalized. Furthermore, abortions require proper medical attention. Our society does not want to take away the legal right to proper medical attention for women choosing to…

A few weeks ago, I blogged a NYTimes article on this film, which the studio was actually thinking was perhaps a good follow-up to The Passion to market to Christians. It’s a satire of life at a Christian high school. Matt Labash takes it apart at the Weekly Standard, showing how it’s bad satire and…

Appointed Msgrs. Thomas A. Donato, spiritual director of the Major Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in South Orange, U.S.A., and John W. Flesey, director of permanent formation for the clergy of the archdiocese of Newark, U.S.A., as auxiliary bishops of the same archdiocese (area 1,328, population 2,809,267, Catholics 1,319,558, priests 929, permanent deacons 198, religious…

Priests tried by Church courts The first of what could be as many as 12 secret church trials of Roman Catholic priests from the Chicago archdiocese accused of sexual misconduct with minors is under way. Sometime after the first of the year, a special tribunal of three canon law judges began its formal inquiry into…

On St. Gianna One man who knows the details of Gianna’s life like few others, and has no doubt about her saintliness, is the Capuchin Father, Paolino Rossi. He was the Postulator of her cause, and dislikes the emphasis on the manner of her death. “It’s an error to reduce her sainthood and her example…

Responds to those Dems Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican, called the letter a “smokescreen by Democrats.” “Anyone who knows anything about Catholic theology knows you cannot equate abortion with the war in Iraq,” he said. “Abortion is always intrinsically evil but, as for war in Iraq, that involves prudential judgment. You have the…

…weigh in. In Arizona Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix said that instead of refusing to offer communion, he would attempt to use persuasion to educate politicians about church teachings. “My job is to get to know the key people in the state and appeal to their consciences,” he said. Olmsted’s position puts him at…

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