Via Media

Long piece on the impact of motherhood on women from a physical and mental health aspect I don’t react reflexively against pieces like this, because what I do react reflexively against are mythical concepts of motherhood that romanticize it and hold up an ideal that not all mothers are interested in or capable of fulfilling.…

From Fr. Rob, but the news isn’t good. Please go read.

In Slate, Will Saletan says that abortion-rights advocates need to face reality Each time pro-lifers have tried in recent years to treat the embryo or fetus as a person in one context or another, pro-choicers have responded by treating the fetus as a nonentity. When pro-lifers sought to ban human cloning, pro-choicers offered a counterproposal…

Believe me, I will have something more interesting to post later, but I just finished fulfilling some bookstore orders (after a two month drought, they’re taking off again). So I’m thinking about it. 1) I will be selling Da Vinci, but not until next week. It’s supposed to be in from the printer tomorrow, but…

Man, I hate having my picture taken. Hopefully the book cover will be front and center and I will merely lurk in the shadows. So, that’s done. Article will appear Friday in our News-Sentinel. I’ll link. And in another Sentinel, across the country in a completely different land – aka, where the sun shines –…

Bishop O’Brien sets up help line — A helpline linking you with retired Catholic Bishop Thomas O’Brien is up and running. The public can call and ask O’Brien to visit someone who is seriously ill or dying. Callers hear a recorded message in which O’Brien asks them to leave contact information, the name of the…

Not much happening here. I’m working on This Thing I’m working on, and then there’s That Other Thing I’m working on. The first thing I’m well into the groove of, (is that a good phrase? Nah) and my worries of a month ago – whether I could possibly finish it by June 1 – have…

From Nat Hentoff in the Washington Times, Reclaiming Pro-lifers Quiet as it’s kept, the diminishing Democratic majority in Congress for the past quarter of a century equals the rate at which pro-life Democrats have been abandoning the party. This was the message given to Terry McAuliffe, head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), when he…

Here’s what’s coming up regarding media and me and De-Coding: 1) There will be an article in tomorrow’s Orlando Sentinel about The Da Vinci Code, written by their books editor Nancy Pate, which will include stuff about my book. 2) I’m being interviewed next week for a feature by our local afternoon paper, which will…

Reader David points me to Matthew Yglesias’ blog where they’re discussing Catholicism and politics, with references to discussions on a couple of other blogs. Go over and chat about that “increasingly homogeneous” Church of Uganda, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Colombia, Los Angeles and Lincoln…

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