Via Media

Via Fr. Wilson, a discussion on a blog run by an Orthodox fellow on pro-abortion politicians who are also Orthodox: Here, Here and Here. The previous entry concerned the consistent pro-abortion voting record of the two Orthodox US Senators and the positive relationship that Sen Sarbanes has with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Further to this:…

Clinic encourages women to post farewell messages to their aborted children These are letters from women who have just had abortions at the Allegheny Reproductive Health Center in East Liberty. They are posted — dozens of them — on the walls of the clinic for other patients to read and to think about. They are…

A young woman gets pregnant. She and the father of the baby marry. They discover she’s carrying twins. They’re seriously conjoined, in a way that would prohibit separation, ever. They soldier on, she carries the babies to term, and they’re born yesterday What’s interesting to me is that the hometown paper’s account, is much more…

From a moral philosophical viewpoint. The reader who sent the link remarks: It does argue that the “natural law” argument against abortion is in fact a religious argument, not a secular argument — a distinction that makes more difficult to justify, for example, the attempt by Bishop Burke to effectively excommunicate Catholic public officials for…

Did you like what President Bush said about the protection of unborn life in the State of the Union address, given the week of the March for Life? Did you like it? Oh, that’s right. He He didn’t mention it, not even the partial-birth abortion ban

Albatross in Springfield finally forcibly laicized Lavigne remains a lightning rod in the diocese. The Rev. James J. Scahill, of St. Michael’s Church in East Longmeadow, has been withholding the diocese’s portion of weekly collections since last year in protest of the diocese’s continued support of Lavigne. Perhaps reflecting that controversy, Dupre stressed that any…

…always make a good interview, I suppose. Belgian cardinal makes his case A Belgian cardinal has been quoted as saying only five to 10 percent of lesbians and gays are actually gay and the rest are “sexual perverts”. “I am willing to write in my own blood that of all those who call themselves lesbian…

Seems to have hit its limit: Construction has resumed Two months after a contractors’ boycott stopped work on a Planned Parenthood clinic that will offer abortions, construction has resumed at the south Austin site. Project planners hope to meet their original fall completion date. “We’re more committed than ever,” Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Danielle Tierney said…

George Neumayr on Rich’s insistent criticism of a movie he hasn’t seen. Rich naturally abstains from all the McCarthyite tactics he deplores. He just doesn’t want the film’s marketing — “a masterpiece of ugliness typical of the cultural moment, when hucksters wield holier-than-thou piety as a club for their own profit” — to succeed. But…

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