Again and again we heard it as the analysts scratched their heads and did their post-mortems of the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries: “Turnout is key.” In the party primaries and caucuses, when the voting is generally confined to the smaller part of the population that represents each party’s “base,” a candidate’s ability to turn…

Rabbi Stern makes an important point in advocating that the moderate Orthodox stop relegating a monopoly to the haredi over religious policy in Israel. They certainly should help Yisrael Beiteinu’s efforts to fast track conversions in Israel for the 300,000 Russian immigrants whose fate is intertwined with the Jewish State, even if they have not…

This past week the Israeli political party Yisrael Beiteinu once again tried to introduce legislation that would ease up the conversion process in Israel. The proposal, like all other such initiatives, will inevitably be shelved by the right wing religious establishment and their political proxies. Which means, roughly 300,000 Russian Jews will continue to be…

I appreciate Rabbi Grossman’s wishes for 2008 and would like to add a few of my own (in no particular order): • President Bush becomes invested enough in Mideast peace to keep pressure on the Israelis and Palestinians to talk to one another. • Kosher certifiers stop deriding the idea of Hekhsher Tzedek (a socially-conscious…

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