Savage: Obama Put Euro Junket Ahead of Joplin Relief

Friday, 27 May 2011 04:49 PM

Michael Savage, Outspoken Radio Talk Show Host, Pulls No Punches, Names Names!

Radio talk show host Michael Savage lashed out at President Barack Obama on Friday, criticizing him for his lavish European tour while residents of Joplin, Mo., work to reclaim their lives after a devastating tornado tore through the town.

Savage, known for his diatribes against Obama, told Newsmax: 

“Obama is doing nothing! He is disgracing the office of the president, disgracing America’s standing in the world and partying across Europe. Now, it may be that Joplin is under water, but he’s not [President George W.] Bush. Therefore, ignoring the deaths and destruction at home so he can sip $1,000 wine while Michelle Obama wears $2,000 dresses is not at all embarrassing or a sign of negligence.

“Soon, big daddy will be home to make a short detour to Joplin. After forgiving Egypt $1 billion in debt, ($1 billion for the Muslim Brotherhood!), he’ll toss a few bills to the peasants in Missouri from Air Force One and depart for D.C., where he can get on with his Leninist agenda.”

Earlier this week, Savage’s attorneys were notified by the British government that he is still banned from entering England, and he must wait until December to reapply for entry.

The conservative radio host was first put on a list of people not allowed to enter the United Kingdom in 2009. Savage was banned as a “hate promoter” whose views were considered likely to incite violence.

“Your client has not provided any evidence to show that he did not commit the unacceptable behaviour” that prompted the “decision to exclude him, nor has your client provided any acceptable evidence to show his repudiation of those unacceptable behaviours,” a representative of the United Kingdom’s treasury solicitor said in a letter to Savage’s British attorney, according to World Net Daily.

However, official government correspondence indicates that Savage is on the list mainly to provide “balance” because of the number of Islamic extremists included.

Read more on Savage Savages Obama Over Brit Ban

Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama’s Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Michael Savage’s Web Site


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