YOUR opportunity to be a court watcher is vital. We provide public transparency.
Dolores has been fighting for her son for 13 years in this court. Again, the story is the same. He was taken from his mother and given to an abusive father and his girlfriend. Her son’s Children Service case worker threatened the mother and took her child away from her. The CSB case worker, Diane Harris, made up things that the child did not say or do and demanded that Dee put her son in a public school. It seems that CSB and the court are in collusion to keep the child away from his mother for good! When the hearing was cancelled this past May, the mother’s lawyer’s secretary told her that the court and CSB already had it ‘rigged’ and set to terminate all the mother’s rights to see her son.
Leading up to this: The child was in the hospital and hospital called CSB to report abuse from the father. Diane Harris took the child from the hospital against the mother’s wishes and put him in foster care!!!! Then she told Dee’s son and the foster parent that he HAD to go live with his father. How absurd!!!
Past history: The past court psychologist, Doug Darnell had about 9 women file complaints against him for filing unethical reports. He even went as far as altering tests results so he could give the fathers custody. His friend was the attorney at CSB at that time. The CSB has a personal vendetta against Dee because she was subpoenaed to testify in Columbus.
Court observers are growing. More and more people are becoming court observers and seeing the need for them. Let’s show up and hopefully with our presence we can stop this travesty from happening. This child has been scared to death by his father, his father’s girlfriend, and CSB and is afraid to tell his mother anything.
When the child was 8 years old, they barged in to her house, took her son without a reason and for 3 months he was kept away from her son, and Dee still had full custody!!!
Please pass this on. We, the tax paying public, pay the people who work at the courthouse, including the judge and magistrates. How long will we allow the dog to bite the master’s hand who feeds him???
This court is destroying our children and it must stop now. CSB and the courts seem to be in collusion on this case and have caused so much turmoil in the life of a mother and son. So who are the real criminals here?
Please pass this on.
Bring your notepad and pen.
Dress is business casual or business. (No jeans or T shirts)
ADDENDUM: ATTN: COURTROOM OBSERVERS! Call Court directly, confirm action NOT postponed
May 30, 2011
IMPORTANT NOTE For All Court Observers
Please call the Court house directly to confirm that a hearing has NOT been postponed or cancelled before you leave to attend.
Or partner up with someone who will call, then relay the message. (Phone Chain)
As you know, they have been known to cancel a hearing within a couple of hours of when it is scheduled.
When you call give them the scheduled hearing time and the Magistrate or Judge and the case name.
Call 330-675-2600 or 330-675-2627
or click the links below for more numbers to call.
P.S. Print this out to have handy and forward this to others who have joined court observers.
People are joining court observers continually, who want transparency and justice in our public courts.
Pat P.
[Please note Courtroom Observers is a ministry. Courtroom Observers do not take a view on guilt or innocence of any party involved. All Courtroom Observers do is bring their notepad and pen to observe the proceedings to help ensure that the law and justice is served according to the State and U.S. Constitution. Watchwoman on the Wall has no opinion as to the guilt or innocence of any party involved.
Please refer to my previous post about Courtroom Observers for more information.
Courtroom Observers are also needed at the same courtroom on June 9 and June 10. See previous post for more information.
Click here…URGENT: Courtroom Observers Needed, Tues. June 7, and Thurs. June 9
▬ Donna Calvin]