Fwd Email From: Pat P.

To All Patriotic Friends,

Attention All Patriots! Ohio and Neighboring States

Here’s an event to attend!  Please print out the brochure and forward this e-mail.  We need to let eveyone in OHIO and surrounding states know about Ohio’s First – We the People Convention coming up at the Columbus Convention Center on Friday, July 1st and Saturday, July 2nd, 2011.  Hope to see you there!

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From: Tom Zawistowski <tomz@portagecountyteaparty.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 8:37 AM
Subject: New Covention Brochure 

Dear Pat,

As promised, I have attached a revised copy of our Tri-fold for the We the People Convention that reflects the current pricing and speakers.  Please print copies to hand out at your meetings to those who do not have internet access.  I am happy to report that we are right about at 600 tickets sold for the convention with more coming in every day.  We will be doing some radio advertising in parts of the state starting next week, and hope to have some announcements about Presidential candidates attending soon. It is going to be a great convention and we are going to have a lot of fun.
Most people are just starting to think about what they are doing over the July 4th Holiday and we appreciate your help getting the word out about the Convention to give them the option to attend. If your people are out collecting signatures for the Ohio Health Care Amendment, consider handing out copies of the Convention Tri-Fold to those who sign the petition.  Many communities are starting to have fairs and other outdoor events.  Please consider having copies of the Tri-Fold to hand out at those events in your area.
As always, we appreciate your support of the Convention.

Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention
4682 State Route 43
Kent, OH 44240

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE ConventionTriFoldMaster

You are invited to attendthe First AnnualWe the People ConventionThis event is open to all patriotic citizens who areconcerned about our state and our country and are ready to get involved in fixing our political system. By attending this convention you will learn about the important issues of the day relating to the individual rights and freedoms provided toeach of us by the Ohio and US Constitutions andhow government at all levels is infringing on thoserights and freedoms. You will learn how you canprotect your rights by participating in the governanceof your township, village, municipality, state and country.At this convention independent voters will learn about the critical role they play in governance today. Minorities will find how conservative values and policies can provide the path to equal opportunityand prosperity for all. Young conservatives will learn about organizations that allow them to play a role in the political process at any age. If you are a business owner who is tired of being taxed out of business, you will learn how the Patriot movement is committed to changing government to help you create jobs and be successful. If you are not a member of a TEA Party or other Patriot group, you can learn about those organizations and the role they play in holding our government accountable and supporting our elected officials so they can serve the people. If you are amember or leader of a TEA Party or other Patriot group, you can learn how to make your group more effective and develop your own leadership skills. If you have questions about how the political process works and are considering running for office, this convention will give you the information and skills you need to win elections. This Convention will allow you to meet other patriotic citizens from your area and around the state and nation. You will get to hear nationally known speakers and experts on important issues facing our nation and state. Plus, you will have a front row seat to one of the biggest and best 4th of July fireworks displays in the country!



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