Posted on July 27, 2011 at 10:15am by Mike Opelka Mike Opelka

Marine Corporal Todd Nicely is nothing short of amazing. The 27-year-old is only the second American to survive losing both his arms and legs to a roadside bomb in Afghanistan.

After months in rehab at Walter Reed Army Hospital, Cpl Nicely mastered the use of his prosthetic arms and legs, recently passed a driving test, earning his license. Being able to drive means freedom to Nicely, and it also allows him to visit other wounded vets and show them that the losing a limb does not mean a life sentence in a hospital bed.

Read more: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/wounded-warrior-overcomes-loss-of-arms-and-legs-video/

Watchwoman: Crystal is Cpl. Nicely’s wife and he said to himself laying wounded that he had to keep breathing to get back to his wife.  He hopes to have children one day.  Click below to read another heartwarming story.  It will uplift you for weeks!  Although both benefits displayed here have passed, you can still help if the Spirit of God motivates you.  If you don’t have money, please pray.  Remember to pray for all our wounded heroes and their families.  A sun should never set without our having prayed for all our military.  God help them and bring them home safe, in Jesus’ name.  Amen!  ▬  Donna Calvin

To help Todd and Crystal, you could send donations — BUT — I would check this out to make sure this address is still valid before mailing any donation here. – This address was found at the web site…


Todd A. Nicely Donations
6900 Georgia Ave, NW
Abrams Hall
Box 4207
Washington, DC 20307

There will also be a benefit for Todd on Sunday, June 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at VFW Hall in Arnold, located at 2301 Church Road. A charity kickball tournament has been scheduled for September 12 at St. Bernadette Church. For more information on the kickball tournament, visit www.kickballstl.net.

To follow Todd’s progress, check outhttp://www.caringbridge.org/visit/toddnicely/journal.

There is a very heart-warming story at: http://www.ksdk.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=204888&catid=3


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