This video showcases how the character of America has been forged not through the victory of one political faction over another. Instead, our God-ordained national being has been formed through the celebration of freedom birthed in the fires of The Revolution and subsequently nurtured to maturity by the ratification of The Federal Constitution. Today, we…

REMEMBER THE ALAMO!   The video’s producer writes: What you are about to hear is “The Deguello” as it was heard on Sunday morning at 6:00 AM from Santa Anna’s trumpeters at the charge and during the battle of the Alamo that lasted 90 minutes.             Deguello means “Slit Throat”…

Check out these other posts regarding “Tea Party are Terrorists” Links on Watchwoman Blog  SEVERAL PEOPLE SAY THEY HEARD BIDEN CLEARLY CALL TEA PARTY ‘TERRORISTS’. STAFF DENIES.  More on Tea Party Terrorists (Video from O’Reilly’s Fox News Program)  Krauthammer Slams Tea Party attackers for using epithets like “hostage takers,” “terrorists” and “thugs” …

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