CNN REPORTS: Seventy-two people have been charged in an online global child pornography ring, a federal law enforcement source said Wednesday. The official said 52 of those charged have been arrested.  The charges stem from an investigation launched in December 2009 that targeted more than 500 individuals around the world allegedly participating in Dreamboard, a private…

Check out these other posts regarding “Tea Party are Terrorists” Links on Watchwoman Blog SEVERAL PEOPLE SAY THEY HEARD BIDEN CLEARLY CALL TEA PARTY ‘TERRORISTS’. STAFF DENIES. More on Tea Party Terrorists (Video from O’Reilly’s Fox News Program) Krauthammer Slams Tea Party attackers for using epithets like “hostage takers,” “terrorists” and “thugs”…

  Obama’s Spending Lie on the Debt Deal l WRITTEN BY THOMAS R. EDDLEM TUESDAY, 02 AUGUST 2011 00:00 President Obama announced his debt deal with House Speaker John Boehner with a dramatic quote about the intensity of the cuts in the deal: “The result would be the lowest level of annual domestic spending since Dwight Eisenhower…

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