Quinn & Rose Newsletter – September 9, 2011

ACLJ Attorney Jay Sekulow


We had the Best of Quinn & Rose on Monday, Labor Day.  We hope you all had a refreshing 3 day weekend.  The Best Of Quinn & Rose included Rose’s rendition of Bin Laden’s wives, Barney Frank farting, and the crazy laws of San Francisco.

Rose filled in for Hannity

Last week, Rose filled in for the Sean Hannity Show!  She gave her 9/11 story, and she focused on there being no prayer at the 9/11 Memorial Service in New York.  She spoke with Jay Sekulow about the matter.  She also spoke with Stephen Moore, from the Wall Street Journal on the economy.  And she also spoke with Newt Gingrich on the “coincidence” of having Obama’s jobs speech scheduled at the same time as the GOP debate.

Speaking of the debate, there were 8 Presidential hopefuls at the Reagan Library on Wednesday evening.  Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman.

Quinn & Rose recapped the debate, complete with audio from most of the candidates.  Rick Perry & Mitt Romney battled it out on social security, health care, and jobs.  Perry had great answers on all those issues, while Mitt Romney… not so much.

Michele Bachmann was impressive, as usual.  She was articulate, with no hesitation, and she knew her stuff.  Newt Gingrich had some powerful answers.  Newt is a fountain of new, and innovative ideas, and would make a fine President.

Quinn’s picks are leaning towards Perry and Bachmann, while Rose’s picks aren’t so set.  She knows for certain that Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, and Ron Paul would not fly with her.

On Labor Day, Jimmy Hoffa Jr. had some hateful words for the tea party.  He said, “someone needs to take these sons of bitches out!”  We guess that Hoffa didn’t get the memo of civility, after the Gabby Giffords shooting in January.  Hoffa defined himself as Obama’s army.

Jimmy Hoffa then responded to the request that he make an apology for his statements, and he refused to do so.  However, he tried hiding his original statements made on Labor Day, and he back-tracked enough to show that he’s nervous about the comments he made.  But, not enough to apologize we suppose.

We played the chilling & moving Quinn & Rose 9/11 Special on Friday, for the 10th Anniversary.  (Produced by Rose!)  We also had a guest on this week, former NYC Firefighter Dennis Smith.  He wrote the best-selling book, “Report from Ground Zero,” and his new book is “A Decade of Hope,” which is a moving reflections of a decade spent with families of 9/11 victims.

Next week, Quinn & Rose will recap the Obama jobs speech from Thursday night.

Quinn & Rose will be in Lisbon, OH tomorrow!  Join them for “Restoring Freedom!”  Saturday, September 10th at 1 pm.  There will be a 9-11 Tribute, and Quinn & Rose will be there from 2-4 pm.  Columbiana CountyFairgrounds at the Grandstand, in Lisbon, OH!

For details on all these appearances, click: http://www.warroom.com/appearances.php

Check out the “Mobile Martyr” keychain, with Exploding Palestinian kid from the show! http://www.warroom.com/giftshop.php

Expect the stories to keep coming in.  Tune in next week, for your next installment of Quinn & Rose.

with Quinn & Rose
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92.1-FM/1040-AM – WYSL



See Other Related Posts at Watchwoman on the Wall blog: 

Help the ACLJ Convince Bloomberg to have Prayer at 9-11 Memorial

New York Mayor Bloomberg Bans Religion at 9/11 Ceremony

Rose (of Quinn & Rose) talks with Jay Sekulow (no prayer at 9/11 in NY)

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