“I am endorsing former Senator Rick Santorum for president of the United States, and urge my countrymen to join us in this campaign.” – James Dobson
It’s clear this race is becoming one where Republicans will have to pick sides — between an establishment candidate who seems to put only fiscal issues at the center of his platform — and a full-spectrum conservative who believes being conservative means fighting for the values this country was founded on.
In a statement, Dobson said, “The institution of the family is the key issue facing this great nation. It is the foundation, the bedrock, upon which every dimension of Western Civilization rests … Of all the Republican candidates who are vying for the presidency, former Sen. Santorum is the one who has spoken passionately in every debate about this concern. He has pleaded with the nation and its leaders to come to the aid of marriages, parents, and their children.”
Source: RickSantorum.com
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