Todd Akin is 100% pro life, a true conservative and despised by all the anti-Christian God-haters because of that single fact! Missourians – VOTE Todd Akin! Apparently, reading this poll, done by his enemies, not all the voters in Missouri are deceived by the lying lamestream commie pro-death media and demonizing Democrats who have done all they could to denigrate a good man. Don’t be duped by the death-loving, Christian-hating media. Stand up for life! Stand up for the unborn! VOTE TODD AKIN FOR THE U.S. SENATE!

Todd Akins  web site –


By David Hill – The Washington Times |  August 30, 2012, 01:00PM

Despite widespread assertions that Missouri Republican Rep. W. Todd Akin’s abortion remarks have made him a heavy underdog in the state’s U.S. Senate race, a Democratic-leaning polling firm released a poll Thursday showing him in a virtual dead heat with incumbent Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill.

According to the survey by Public Policy Polling, Mrs. McCaskill has support from 45 percent of likely Missouri voters compared with 44 percent for Mr. Akin, a result that differs strongly from polls conducted last week by other firms.

Mr. Akin has been widely condemned by Democrats and Republicans since he made comments in an Aug. 19 television interview, in which he tried to explain his opposition to abortion for rape victims by saying that pregnancy is rare in cases of “legitimate rape.”

Most notable Republicans have called on him to step down as the party’s Senate nominee, and party leaders have vowed to withhold millions in contributions from his campaign if he does not comply. He has until Sept. 25 to exit the race and allow the state GOP to select a replacement, if he so chooses.

Mr. Akin was a decided favorite in the race before his comments aired, but he has since been painted by Republicans and some polls as virtually unelectable.

A poll last week by Rasmussen Reports showed him trailing Mrs. McCaskill by 10 points, while a St. Louis Post-Dispatch poll released last week showed him trailing by 9 points.

Americans love a fighter who will stand behind their convictions! God bless Todd Akin! God bless the Underdog! VOTE PRO-LIFE! VOTE CONSERVATIVE! VOTE FOR TODD AKIN!

On the contrary, Thursday’s PPP poll found that 53 percent of Missouri voters — including 77 percent of Republicans — have accepted Mr. Akin’s apology for his comments, and that 54 percent think he should stay in the race, while just 37 percent think he should drop out.

The firm released a poll last week that showed Mr. Akin with a 1-point lead, inciting harsh criticism from Republicans, who called it a deliberate attempt by the left-leaning firm to keep Mr. Akin in the race rather than a scandal-free, and presumably stronger, candidate.



Posted by Donna Calvin — Thursday, August 30, 2012
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DISCLAIMER: Beliefnet puts paid advertisements on “Watchwoman on the Wall” blog site including some that would never be approved of by the King James Bible, Pastor Ernie Sanders of Doers of the Word Church, What’s Right-What’s Left Radio Ministry, the Voice of the Christian Resistance, Geauga County Right to Life and Donna Calvin.  We at do not condone, endorse, adhere to, practice or believe in many of the topics and some of what other bloggers promote or their religions at Beliefnet.  However, Mrs. Calvin has no control of what Beliefnet displays.   She blogs at Beliefnet because she is in the missionary field ministering to true believers posting articles and commentaries informing pro-life, conservative Christians of recent anti-Christian acts and hostile legislation to God’s Agenda and His Will for the world.  Hopefully, unbelievers will read these along with the salvation message of Jesus Christ as written in the Gospel of John, Chapter 3, according to the King James Bible, and be saved.  A missionary must go into the unbelievers’ territory to reach them.  Her mission is to Proclaim Warning to a Nation that has forgotten their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the only Truth, the Life, and the only Way to the One God the Father. (Posted 08/30/12)

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