Calvin’s Commentary and a prayer: Just to be square with you, I’m voting for Josh Mandel. He’s endorsed by Ohio Right to Life, Lake County RTL, Ohio Christian Alliance, Pastor Ernie Sanders, Geauga Co. RTL and every pro-life organization I know of. I have a sign for him in my front yard! Vote pro-life, Vote Josh Mandel – or vote to murder babies and vote for his opponent (the Democrat, the current incumbent who rates an F by every pro-life organization – I can’t even bear to type his name). Dear God, please help every pro-life Republican get elected to office and stop every pro-death Democrat from getting elected. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray. Amen!Donna CalvinThursday, October 25, 2012


Visit Josh Mandel’s Web site:



From: Josh Mandel

A new poll from NBC affirms what we’re seeing in our internal polling — our race is a dead heat.

NBC-4 in Columbus has our race at a 42-43 dead heat in a poll they conducted this week.

As you can see in their news report below, we are surging among Independent voters, now leading with them by 13 points!

We could really use your help today to keep us surging among Independent voters and propel us to victory in 12 days.

Please click here to donate $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or even more to our campaign to change Washington.

Here’s the video of the news report from NBC-4:

Their phone poll sampled 7% more Democrats than Republicans, which is around the same turnout difference we saw here in the 2008 presidential election.
With your help though, we can mobilize our troops to shrink that turnout difference and motivate our supporters to the polls!  Just click here to give whatever you can afford.
We’re charging hard and leaving it all on the field.  Please click here to stand with me today and continue this momentum!
Best regards,



Posted by Donna Calvin — Thursday, October 25, 2012
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DISCLAIMER: Beliefnet puts paid advertisements on “Watchwoman on the Wall” blog site including some that would never be approved of by the King James Bible, Pastor Ernie Sanders of Doers of the Word Church, What’s Right-What’s Left Radio Ministry, the Voice of the Christian Resistance, Geauga County Right to Life and Donna Calvin.  We at do not condone, endorse, adhere to, practice or believe in many of the topics and some of what other bloggers promote or their religions at Beliefnet.  However, Mrs. Calvin has no control of what Beliefnet displays.   She blogs at Beliefnet because she is in the missionary field ministering to true believers posting articles and commentaries informing pro-life, conservative Christians of recent anti-Christian acts and hostile legislation to God’s Agenda and His Will for the world.  Hopefully, unbelievers will read these along with the salvation message of Jesus Christ as written in the Gospel of John, Chapter 3, according to the King James Bible, and be saved.  A missionary must go into the unbelievers’ territory to reach them.  Her mission is to Proclaim Warning to a Nation that has forgotten their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the only Truth, the Life, and the only Way to the One God the Father. (Posted 10/25/12)

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