Meet Mary.Mary is a little, shall we say, confused….but Mary isn’t confused about whether or not the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is going to allow someone like him to keep teaching your kidswhile he undergoes his transformation from ugly caterpillar into a beautiful… something or other…This is a crucial election.


A lot of attention is being paid to the presidential race.  However, there are key U.S. Senate races such as in your home state of Ohio where some candidates would rather dodge issues they would otherwise not talk about.


One of those candidates? Ohio U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown.


One of those issues?  The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).


You see, ENDA will override 34 “anti-discrimination” laws in 34 states across the country by giving transgenders and homosexuals the same “protected status” designed to help disadvantaged African-Americans and women.


ENDA will force schools, state and local governments, and businesses with more than 15 employees (including faith-based ones) to recognize “gender identity” as a protected minority status. 


Expanding the scope of traditionally protected minorities to those with gender identity issues will produce immediate and direct consequences to children in Ohio.


…because in Ohio, Sherrod Brown supports ENDA.


From cross-dressers to those who have surgically operated on their bodies to alter their gender, all would share in the same protections designed for underprivileged minorities — all these sexual preferences would share in ENDA’s protection.


In the classroom, students would be forced to remain in Mr. Mary’s classroom during his (her?) transition, given 30 days to figure it out, and if they didn’t address “Mary” by his proper gender — face punishment.  (AP, September 6, 2006)


Parents were even refused the right to transfer their children out of the classroom.


Teachers should not bring their “gender identity” issues into the classroom with an unwilling audience of schoolchildren to watch it happen.


ENDA gives parents, students, and business owners no other choice.


Let’s be clear about this.  ENDA hurts kids.



In Ohio, Sherrod Brown supports ENDA



Download TVC’s special report on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and share this with as many people as you know.


The information is absolutely free — and I encourage you to share it with friends, neighbors, pastors, relatives, business owners, and anyone else concerned about ENDA’s radical and harmful impact on our children and our communities.


The truth is out.  ENDA hurts kids.


So why does Sherrod Brown continue to support ENDA?



Andrea Lafferty


Traditional Values Coalition






Posted by Donna Calvin — Monday, October 29, 2012
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