A friend, Bob, asked me today:  When Jesus was born into the world the Devil influenced Herod to have the first born of the Jewish families killed. He was a head of Human government at that time! Do you think the Devil is still influencing higher ups in government today? Principalities and Powers! My response:…

THIS IS A VIDEO YOU MUST SEE! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: It will inspire you and give you hope like you haven’t had hope before! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Joel Rosenberg, well-known and respected Christian author, frequent guest on many TV news shows, is the host of an inspirational and informative video to explain why Jesus is RIGHT and Mohammed is…

Thank you, PRO-LIFERS!   The Ohio House of Representatives has voted 54-43 to approve the Heartbeat Bill. We thank God and everyone who has helped us toward this victory! The Heartbeat Bill can be read here: http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/analysis.cfm?ID=129_HB_78&ACT=As%20Introduced&hf=analyses129/h0078-i-129.htm   Now, we need your help to get this bill through the State Senate. Please see the options below…

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