Since we are not going to get gasoline back to $1.50 per gallon and coffee to $2.00 per pound maybe this would be a solution we could live with. DIVORCE AGREEMENT — This is so incredibly well-put, and I can hardly believe it’s by a young person, a student!! Whatever he runs for, I’ll vote for…

IMPORTANT: PRO-FAMILY SUPPORTERS! Please click on the hyperlink below ▼ and look for the poll on that page that opens, asking: “Should gay marriage be legal in the United States?” _________________________________________________________   Watchwoman: [KJV – Isaiah 5:20] “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;…

HAVE YOU SEEN THE CREEPY PLANNED PARENTHOOD CARTOON THEY WOULD LIKE TO FORGET? In a week filled with discussions about the funding of Planned Parenthood, it seems appropriate to share a 2005 video from the organization. This was a cartoon distributed by Planned Parenthood Golden Gate called “Superhero for Choice!” The 8:55 animated cartoon features…

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