UPDATE: DEC. 22, 2011 – Congressman apologizes for criticizing Michelle Obama’s ‘large posterior’ – A Republican congressman from Wisconsin has offered a personal apology to First Lady Michelle Obama after he was overheard at an airport lounge criticizing her “large posterior.” – – – http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/congressman-apologizes-criticizing-michelle-obama-large-posterior-183923894.html 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Watchwoman: Don’t blame me, I didn’t say it!  LOL!…

Watchwoman:  Here’s an inside look at the Watchwoman!!!  While I’m not one to put all my stock in surveys, not surprisingly, as you can guess, we definitely fall in with the people who called themselves Conservative Republicans, declaring similarly what they like and dislike in their TV viewing.  For example, we have yet to see one showing of  “Jersey…

Watchwoman: Until American’s (the majority of people in the true Christian Church) repent and change from their wicked ways, America will continue to be cursed and our decision makers will continue to make evil and harmful decisions such as this one – “Senate Repeals Bans on So do my And Bestiality in the Military.”  Our country’s citizens must return…

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