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Watchwoman on the Wall
Watchwoman on the Wall
Michelle Compares Obama to Biblical Figures
Donna Calvin
Watchwoman Editorial: This video of Michelle just might cause you to urp your lunch! Can you imagine the outrageous cries of foul from the godless, communist Democrat party of anti-Christs if Laura Bush compared her husband, President George W. Bush, to Biblical figures! The lamestream media (ABC=Always Been Communist, CBS=Communist Broadcasting System, NBC=Nothing But Communism,…
Is Pastor Salman an offensive Christian that deserves prison? (You decide)
Donna Calvin
[Galatians 5:11] And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased. Watchwoman’s Comments: Yesterday, Wednesday, July 11, I posted an item about Pastor Michael Salman and how he is being jailed for 60 days and fined over $12K, plus being put on…
TAKE ACTION: Email Phoenix Gov’t For Jailing/Fining $12,180 Home Church Pastor Salman (contact info)
Donna Calvin
Watchwoman’s Comments: Just remember, today it is Pastor Salman, tomorrow it could be your Pastor, and this could be you the next day! The hostility towards Christians is mounting daily and it’s mounting exponentially! The longer Obama and his crew of sodomites and Christian-haters are in power, the more evil and bolder they are becoming!…
Brad Pitt’s mom in fear after slamming Obama
Donna Calvin
Watchwoman’s Comments: The following article about Brad Pitt’s mom in fear after slamming Obama is not a surprise to me. Sodomites love Obama and Obama loves sodomites. If you have never been slammed by a sodomite, then you really have never been slammed as hard verbally as you might have been because sodomites are so…
Christian Fined & Sentenced to 60 Days in AZ Over Home Bible Studies
Donna Calvin
Watchwoman: Please pray for the Salman family and religious freedom in America. It is slowly being eroded away (and lately even more rapidly) and no one, least of all the Christian Church at large cares, because “this one or that one doesn’t have the RIGHT theology”. Guess what! When we’re all in the same gulags,…
New Trial Date Set for Condemned Iran Pastor Youcef
Donna Calvin
The apostasy charges against jailed Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani may have been dropped, Present Truth Ministries reports. The ministry said the house church pastor is now reportedly being charged with committing “crimes against national security,” and that a new trial is set for September. Experts say the move suggests that Nadarkhani’s death sentence has been…
Black Conservatives: Public school system a bigger threat to blacks than the KKK
Donna Calvin
Excerpt: Walter Williams: “I’ve said that, Tom, that if I were the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and I wanted to sabotage any opportunity for black academic excellence, I could not think of a better means for doing so than the public education establishment in most of our cities.” Thomas Sowell, Walter…
The Solution to Islam and All of it’s Dangers, A Spiritual Earthquake – Part 4 of 4
Donna Calvin
Watchwoman: Is Jesus Christ reaching out to Muslims through their dreams and encouraging them to embrace his teachings? While you may or may not believe in miracles still happening today, in 2012, because you’re of a branch of human beings with a superior brain who knows all this is nonsense, Jesus Christ doesn’t take into…
Speaking Of Radical Islamists…Part 3 of 4
Donna Calvin
There was another attack on Christians during Sunday worship services in Africa this weekend. Yesterday, two churches in Kenya were attacked by Islamists with machine guns and grenades. Seventeen people were killed and more than 60 were wounded. Rarely is there a Sunday that goes by without an attack on Christians by Muslims in some…
Police Allow Muslims to Stone and Pelt Christians at Arab Festival Dearborn Part 2 of 4
Donna Calvin
For the past few years, some Christians who attended the Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan, have encountered vicious verbal abuse, in at least one case a physical assault, and some of the Christians have even been arrested! The good news is, the arrests have been thrown out. Now, in the shocking video below, a Muslim…
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