Chris Tomlin is one of the best song writers of our time. He has written so many songs that we sing in church. He has surely been given a gift from God. He recently wrote the song “Jesus”. It talks about how amazing Jesus is. It also talks about everything He does. The lyrics are as follows:
First verse: “There is a truth older than the ages. There is a promise of things yet to come. There is one, born for our salvation, Jesus. There is a light that overwhelms the darkness. There is a kingdom that forever reigns. There is freedom from the chains that bind us. Jesus, Jesus. Chorus: Who walks on the waters. Who speaks to the sea. Who stands in the fire beside me. He roars like a lion. He bled as the lamb. He carries my healing in his hands, Jesus. “
God’s truth is older than the ages. Everything from Him is a promise yet to come. Jesus was the one who born for our salvation. Jesus is the light that overwhelms all darkness in our lives. His kingdom will forever reign. We have a chance to get into that kingdom too. All we have to do is ask Him into our lives and our hearts. Jesus is the ultimate freedom from anything that binds us. He walked on water in the Bible and spoke to the sea and told it to be still when the disciples were afraid of the storm. He is always with us throughout our lives. He walks with us through the difficult times. He bled as the lamb on the cross. He carries our healing in His hands.
Second verse: “There is a name I call in times of trouble. There is a song that comforts in the night. There is a voice that calms the storm that rages. He is Jesus, Jesus. Chorus: Who walks on the waters. Who speaks to the sea. Who stands in the fire beside me. He roars like a lion. He bled as the lamb. He carries my healing in his hands, Jesus. “
We can always call on Jesus in times of trouble. His voice can be a song that comforts in the night. He calms the storm that rages in each of our lives. He will help is walk through our lives struggles and help us walk through them easier. He will literally let you know that He is standing in the fire and the tough times with you. You may not feel His presence at all times but trust Him. Learning to trust Him when He is silent is just like taking a test in school. The teacher doesn’t normally talk during a test. Even if you don’t feel His presence all the time, He will never leave you or forsake you.
You have to learn to trust Him even when He seems silent. He is there. He protects you from harm. He has healing for everyone whether it is spiritual, physical, financial, and mental healing. He will always bring you some kind of healing. He will never fail to bring you exactly what you need at exactly the right time. He stands in the fire beside you and gets you through things you didn’t know how to get through.
Bridge: Messiah, my Savior. There is power in Your name. You’re my rock and, my redeemer. There is power in Your name. In Your name.”
He is the only Messiah, your Savior and your redeemer. There is ultimate power in His name to forgive sins and cast out anything evil in your life. He will fill you with the peace that surpasses understanding. That is when you know it’s from Him. When you can’t fully explain the peace you feel, but you feel calmer after or even during a struggle, that is when you have the supernatural power and grace of God within you.
When you are able to look through the clouds of your difficult times and still have peace in your heart, knowing that He is with you, life will be so much easier. You will be able to face so many more battles with love, kindness and understanding that can only come from knowing Him. He will show His glory to you. Just give it up to Him and wait for His timing.
Chorus: “You walk on the waters. You speak to the sea. You stand in the fire beside me. You roar like a lion. You bled as the lamb. You carry my healing in Your hands. God, you walk on the waters. You speak to the sea. You stand in the fire beside me. You roar like a lion. You bled as the lamb. You carry my healing in Your hands, Jesus. There is no one like you. Jesus. There is no one like you.”
Listen to the song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhN3jJCgpjg
Listen to the song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhN3jJCgpjg