
Have you ever wanted to make a comeback, but you weren’t exactly sure where to start? Praying soothed your heart but you still felt like you needed a push in the right direction and that energy to be able to do things that you wanted to do to make your life better? We all have gone through those days and times where we weren’t sure how to make a difference in our own lives and in others lives. The good news is, God and the people who truly believe in you, whether they are your family, your best friends or anybody else that you know, they can help you and want to see you succeed. God wants to help you because you are His child. He wants you to be the best that you can be. He wants to help you get your life back and to make an incredible comeback.
The artist Danny Gokey, a runner-up on American Idol, has a song with that very title, “The Comeback” and I hope it inspires others as much as it inspired me the first time I heard it. The lyrics are as follows:
First verse: “After a season of night falls and push backs. After the heartache of wrong turns and sidetracks. Just when they think they’ve got you, game, set, match. Here comes the comeback. Just cause you lay low got up slow unsteady. Don’t mean you blacked out or bought out you’re ready. Just when they think there’s nothing left running on empty. Here comes the comeback. This is your time your moment. The fire, the fight, you’re golden. You’ve come so far keep going. Oh, here comes the comeback.”
We’ve all had days where we want to just give up. We have all felt as though we can’t take anymore heartache, pain or sorrow. We have all wanted to shake our fists at the world and sometimes even at God asking Him why did you let me go through (insert any situation here). But even after all the heartache we’ve been through, a comeback is waiting for each of us. At the end of a hard day, we get to relax and recharge. We can rest assured that no matter how bad things are in this moment or even how bad things will get, God is designing the perfect breaks for all of us. He is designing our comebacks. He designed each of us with unique abilities and awesome talents. He also designed each of our own comebacks in life for every time we fall. Every time we fall and think that this might be the end of us and that we should just give up the fight, God whispers in our ears and in our hearts to try again and to never give up. He wouldn’t have made us and let us et this far if He didn’t already have a comeback in mind.
Second verse: “You feel the lightning, the thunder, your soul shakes. Under the roar of the Heavens the tide breaks. And from the ashes, you will take your place. Chorus: Here comes the comeback. This is your time your moment. The fire the fight you’re golden. You’ve come so far keep going. Oh, here comes the comeback.”
From the ashes of whatever you’re going through, God will allow you to rise up higher than you ever thought possible. Whether it means you get a new job, a new relationship with a friend you thought you lost, or a rekindled relationship with one of the family members you were estranged from, He can make all of that come alive again in your unique comeback. Right here, right now, this is your time to take your rightful place as the child of the Most High King and to claim your rightful place and to go where He is telling you to go.

Bridge: “There is no mountain you can’t face. There is no giant you can’t take. All of your tears were not a waste. You’re one step away. Just when they think they’ve got you game set match. Chorus: Oh, here comes the comeback. This is your time your moment. The fire, the fight, you’re golden. You’ve come so far keep going. Chorus: Oh, here comes the comeback. Oh oh oh-oh. Your comeback. Your comeback. Oh oh oh-oh. Oh oh oh-oh. Oh oh. Oh oh oh-oh. Your comeback. Oh-oh-oh. Here comes the comeback. “

With God on your side, there is literally nothing you can’t face. Ask God to grant you serenity and calmness as you wait for your golden opportunity and your comeback. Ask Him to grant you the strength, courage, the willpower and the fortitude to push through the tough times and to rely on Him daily instead of relying on your own strength. His strength is all the strength you need. Your time is coming. Let His glory shine through your life.

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