There are many acronyms for love. one that comes to mind is Life’s Only Valuable Emotion. There are so many emotions in life and love can help you experience them in ways that you never expected or felt were possible.
Love can stand for many things. It can stand for Life’s Only Valuable Emotion. This statement is true because God created love. He loved you enough to give you life and to bring you through some of your hardest times. Other emotions don’t even come close to measuring up to love. Anger takes away the gift of love. Sadness makes you think that you aren’t even worthy enough to be loved. Happiness helps you realize how blessed you are to love the people you have in your life. Love never fails in anything. If you say, you love someone you can never go wrong.
Love is also the only valuable emotion in life because it takes away all the anger and resentment and pain in your life, mind and your heart. Love replaces all those emotions with the feeling of peace.
Love is a whirlwind emotion because it can take you over and leave your soaring. It can make you feel as though you can accomplish anything. When you have that feeling of being able to achieve anything can bring you back to the realization that you can do anything that you want to do in your life.
As much as love can leave you soaring, it can also leave you feeling as though you are losing your mind. Think of the times that you thought you were in love and then you had your heart broken. Think of the times you lost a friendship that you thought was going to last forever.
Think about the last time you fought with your parents or any of your family members. Love can make you feel like you failed when a friendship or relationship with someone doesn’t go the way you’d want it to go. It isn’t easy when you don’t have a good standing relationship with someone.
To be loved by someone is an honor. To know that you have someone to always turn to is a gift. Never take that gift for granted and cherish the thought that you can always talk to the people that you trust. When you can also return the same favor to be there for someone else when they are going through a hard time is a privilege too.
Whenever you help someone out of the goodness of your own heart, doesn’t it make you feel better to help them out? Don’t you feel better without expecting anything in return from someone else? Remember it isn’t about what you get in your life, it’s all about what you give to others in your life out of the love that God has placed in your life.
To be loved by God is a privilege that you shouldn’t take for granted. He didn’t have to send His one and only son to die for you, but He chose to. He didn’t have to give you salvation freely. But He wanted to because He loved you enough that He considered you worthy enough to be called His son or daughter. No one else has ever shown that kind of devotion or love towards you in your life. So how can you not show Jesus’ example in your life towards others?
Love can also take you places that you never expected or wanted to go in the first place to teach you the lessons that you need to learn in your journey. Without love, there wouldn’t be much happiness in life. It all depends on what you want to learn in your life. So many things in life can be related to love.
Love is the only valuable emotion because it encompasses everything you feel all in one feeling, whether it is happiness or tears, or anger, depression or fear. There is no shame in crying in joy or in letting your tears out to release stress. Any emotion is good, but don’t let it control you.
Love is one of the best emotions in life because it teaches you so many lessons. It shows you what you want in life, what you don’t want in life. Love also teaches you how to love others even if you think they don’t deserve it. Love is such an awesome emotion because God created it and had the ultimate love for every single person on earth. Who wants to love and be loved the way God loves you?