It’s good to pray for yourself: pray for your dreams, pray for wisdom, ask God to help you overcome difficulties. That’s important, but don’t stop there. You have the ability to help someone else reach their destiny. There are people God has put in your life that won’t become all they were created to be without your prayers. The scripture tells us Pray for one another. James 5:16 NIV.
Look around at who God has put in your life: that neighbor that seems down, that coworker that’s struggling, that person you heard about that’s fighting cancer. God brought them across your path, and He’s counting on you to lift them up. Prayer can work miracles, so why not be the ambassador for others through prayer? Prayer can only help people. It can never hurt them.
Who Can You Pray For?
Think about it for a few minutes. Who has God placed in your life that you should pray for? Has God put a specific person with a specific need on your mind? Have you ever wondered why a certain person was on your mind? Who is the person and what is the need that they have? Is it your family member who is struggling in any area of their life, or a friend who has a need that you don’t know about yet? If someone comes into your mind, there is a reason for it. God could be the one that tells you to pray for them. He could even tell you to reach out and tell you to talk to them.
Remember, even when you don’t know what others are going through, God knows and is working things out for them. Every prayer can help someone. No prayer goes unanswered.
If someone is struggling with their job, or in any area of their life, all you can do is pray for them and try to be there for them. You can always offer to pray for them and with them. Even if they don’t feel comfortable with sharing everything that is going on with them, you can just pray that they get through the trials and have better luck. It is sometimes hard to remember to pray for them every day. But all you can do is ask God to help them succeed in their job.
The Struggle to Find a Job
If your friend is struggling to find a job, you can pray something as simple as, “Lord lead them in the right direction in their job search. Tell them where to apply and what to say in each interview.” Keep praying for the right job to come their way in God’s timing and in God’s way. Remind them that God is always in control and that He knows what He is doing. It is always better to have God be in control of the situation of looking for a job.
Relationship with Your Mom
What about any relationships in your own personal life, what could you pray for in that regard? What about if you struggle with the relationship you have with your mom? If you sometimes struggle with it, even if it’s hard, put it in prayer. It is okay to think and wonder why God is letting you experience this hardship. It is ok to be hurt by the situation as well. But remember to ask God for help and ask Him for discernment in figuring out the difficult parts of the relationship with her. Ask God for help in the areas where you both struggle whether it is talking to each other, or whether you always starting arguments or pointing fingers at one another, or any other form of struggles. There is no obstacle that is too big for God to get through.
Cover Anyone in Prayer
If anyone asks for prayer, always take the opportunity to pray for them. Even if you don’t want to right at the moment, just try to pray for the person and see how much better you feel afterword. Prayer has the ability to lift the feelings of stress off of your mind and your body almost immediately. Take every opportunity to pray whether it is in the silence of your heart or out loud. Don’t ever be ashamed to pray out loud no matter where you are. So, what if people stare at you? Maybe they are curious and if they are, you can tell them about Jesus, even if it is only through the words you speak through your prayer. Never be afraid to pray.