getting over obstacles

Obstacles are always going to be in your path. They can either be big or small. You have had the experience of stumbling over obstacles that are in your life. Maybe you have even tripped over your own thoughts of inadequacy. The feeling of inadequacy is from us critiquing ourselves too much and from us believing the lies of Satan. He makes you feel as though you aren’t good enough, smart enough, or fast enough to get through the obstacles. He also makes you think that the trials in front of you will never go away. The good news is, you have the power of God within you at all times.

God Already Knows

Whenever you are facing trials, turn to God for reassurance. When you are unsure of where to turn, sometimes God is the only person to go to, because He already knew that you were going to face the trials in your life anyhow. Think about it for a second. If God already knew that you were going to face a trial, wouldn’t He already give you a way out of that trial? Wouldn’t He direct you as to which path to take in order to work through it?

Ask God to give you the wisdom and discernment to overcome hardships in life. If He already knew exactly which trials you would and will be facing, every time one arises, He will surely give you a way over them, through them, or around them. Ask Him for the reassurance that He is always with you in every moment of your life. Rest in His words and in His love that He will get you through any trial, no matter what it may be.

Take a Step Back

Take time to think about ways you can overcome any challenge you face whether it is in the workplace, at school or at home. Even more so, look at everything you have overcome in life with God’s help. God helped you get a job to provide for yourself and your family.  You have overcome many other tasks at your job even when they seemed intimidating or too crazy for you to handle. That was and is all because of God and His power working in your life. He has never failed you, and, He isn’t about to start now.

As overwhelming as life gets at times, there is nothing you can’t face with God at your side. God has already given you the ability to overcome anything in your life. He even says so. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV

Don’t Be Afraid or too Proud to Ask for Help

There is nothing wrong with falling on your knees and asking God for help whether you are struggling with something or not. Don’t be afraid to ask Him for help when you need it most. He is always willing to help you and to lift you from the depths. Even though you are a sinner, God loves you so much as His own child. He loves you so much that He is willing to do anything for you to see you happy. Even if you feel unworthy to ask Him for His help, He longs for you to call on Him. He longs to help you have the confidence inside you and the courage to face any challenge head-on.

There is also nothing wrong with asking other people in your life for help with tasks either. If you have exhausted all of your options while trying to figure things out, then you can and should go ask for help. Ask your most trusted friends and even your family members for help. Tell them what is going on and ask if they have any suggestions as to how to tackle the tasks in front of you. If someone asks you whether you need help or if you want help, just accept their help, you don’t have to be afraid or too proud to ask people for help. You also don’t have to do everything yourself. You don’t have to get everything done in one day or at one time.

You Need God

Don’t be too proud or arrogant to admit that you need God, because the truth is, you are in constant need of Him, whether you realize it right away or not.   You would not be here without Him. God will always give you a way out of every trial even when there seems to be no way. Trust in Him and that He is always with you. Never give up even through any obstacles you face.


What obstacles has God gotten you through in your life?

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