Spring has always been my favorite season and  Easter my favorite holiday. Something about the green trees and sunny weather makes me optimistic and joyful. Growing up my family had many Easter traditions,  each of them unique. We would wake up around 6am and go to church for an outdoor  sunrise service, followed by a Easter Breakfast in…

  What if we all  had more compassion toward ourselves and the people we encounter daily?  Would we be happier, less stressed, more zen, or even more productive? The Dalai Lama thinks so.   No matter where you are in life, where you live, what language you speak, compassion can be cultivated. To follow the lifestyle  of compassionate…

The mind-body connection is nothing new in Eastern medicine.  Acupuncture, acupressure, meditation, and herbs are slowly making their way into the American lifestyle. I am thankful for the practice of using Western and Eastern medicine to achieve excellent health and balance. Today I had my second acupuncture appointment, and I was excited for the changes it would…

We all hear about the important of drinking water, but did you know drinking water can help prevent common diseases? I know I get a headache and my skin dries out  if I don’t drink enough water.   Dr. Eliaz discusses Water and it’s important disease fighting role in the below video. Water and your health “In…

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