1. Plant something and nurture it.

2. Count your blessings–at least five–at the end of each day.

3. Take time to talk–have an hour-long conversation with a loved one each week.

4. Phone a friend whom you have not spoken to for a while and arrange to meet up.

5. Give yourself a treat every day and take the time to really enjoy it.

6. Have a good laugh at least once a day.

7. Get physical–exercise for half an hour three times a week.

8. Smile at and/or say hello to a stranger at least once each day.

9. Cut your TV viewing by half. (Some of us have opted to have no television at all!)

10. Spread some kindness–do a good turn for someone every day.

More on Inspiring happiness:

Fill up on happiness

Quotes on Joy

Choosing happiness

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