Listed $140,000 Below Its Value Denver Just One Market Where Houses Sell For A Fraction of Their Worth This headline, found on the AOL Homepage’s opening gallery, proves both how little we have learned from the current economic crises, and how much worse things may get because of that. A house can not, by definition,…

Both great irony and a profound opportunity for all of us can be found as Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate a special Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Pope Pius XII, whose response to the Nazis stirs controversy to this day. The mass coincides with the historic visit…

Obama and Jeremiah Wright, McCain and Charles Keating, Palin and Pastor Muthee. Should we judge these candidates by the company that they keep? Is that unfair guilt by asscociation? I think that candidates should be judged by both the company they keep and why they keep them. Having personally stood with many people on account…

According to a new study by marriage counselor M. Gary Neuman, 1 out of 2.7 of us men cheat on our wives, and most of them will never find out. From which we can deduce one of two things: either its time for the rest of us to join the party because we aren’t going…

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