During his one-man stand act in New York City, legendary comic Jackie Mason referred to President Obama as a ‘schwartza’, literally Yiddish for black. It’s gross, it’s wrong and despite saying that it was indefensible, Mason keeps defending his racist remark.
Angrily, Mr. Mason told TMZ that it’s just slang for black person. “I’m an old Jew. I was raised in a Jewish family where ‘schwartza’ was used,” he said. “It’s not a demeaning word and I’m not going to defend myself.” But of course, that is precisely what he is doing.
It’s not that there is any evidence of Jackie Mason harboring any ill will about black people as a group, or even any toward our President. But he needs to recognize that the hard racism of a past era becomes the “soft” racism of the current generation. And the fact that it may be softer does not make it any more acceptable.

The real sadness for this comedian and self-styled social commentator is that his unintended slur, which this seems to have been, provided a wonderful opportunity to consider that process and how we can help end it. It could have even been a little funny.
Imagine if as the word came out of his mouth, or even today, Mr. Mason had simply said, “My parents really thought ‘they’ (black people” we different than ‘us’ (white? Jews?), so they had a special name for them. I believe we are equal but I still use the special name. Is that why it’s okay for black folks to use the ‘N-word’? Do we all like ‘special names’? Now I get it! Pookie, sugar pie, honey lamb, schwartza and the N-word are all the same. So next time we have that burning desire to call someone by that ‘special name’, try using pookie or honey lamb!
Although he has played the race card himself on an occasion or two or a thousand, Rev. Al Sharpton had a generous and wise response to Mr. Mason. “At this stage in Jackie’s life and career he should get our prayers more than our responses.”
What prayer would you offer Jackie Mason?
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