Okay, we are down to the final days before Rosh Hashanah and even my attention begins to include more than saying S’lichot (the cycle of pre-holiday penitential prayers designed to get you in the mood. Yes, we Jews have a funny understanding of that term, but at least it’s not our only understanding of it) and reading the Rambam’s Hilkhot T’shuvah (Maimonides laws and practices of repentance). I am beginning to think menus. Last night at home, there was even a “fierce” debate about the proper ratio of raisin to non- raisin hallahs!
So what are your favorite Rosh Hashanah recipes? Share them here and you will be doing a public service to all those who are tired of the same old thing, people who want a little renewal not only in their hearts, but on their plates as well.
I hope that the “comments” section fills up with people’s favorite recipes and holiday food suggestions. The first 10 people to post their recipes will receive a copy of my latest book, You Don’t Have To Be Wrong For Me To Be Right.
Good Luck!