With all the heavy spiritual lifting of the High Holidays, we sometimes forget that laughter is both sacred and entirely appropriate to this time of year. These Rosh Hashanah blessings, and the images which accompany them combine some of my deepest hopes for all of us in the year ahead, with great humor. Enjoy them all and know that I pray we are all blessed with a year of health, happiness, sweetness and success.
May we enjoy our apples and honey.
May we know when to surrender, and do so with grace.
May we remember that some people’s lives are parched dry… and be grateful for the abundance in ours.
May we carry our loads with ease amid sweetness.
May we learn and teach well.
May we take exquisite care of ourselves.
May we find life in new and exciting ways.
May we come to the surface for air when we need it.
And may everything that hurts us also be a little funny.
Have a wonderful 5770!!